Somalia located on the easternmost part of the African mainland is bordered by Ethiopia to the west, Djibouti to the northwest, the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east, and Kenya to the southwest. Somalia’s terrain consists mainly of plateaus, plains, and highlands. Hot climatic conditions prevail throughout the year, with unstable rainfall pattern. Its estimated population is approximately 15 million, of which over 2 million of its citizens live in the capital and its largest city Mogadishu.

The country has seen some very disturbing moments with conflicts spanning over 20 years with about 350,000 Somalian citizens were killed because of war, lack of food, and diseases. Conflicts, persistent flooding, and drought have put the country among one of the most underdeveloped in the world. Climate change has increasingly brought about harsher weather conditions, destroying crops, livestock, and water supplies.
Millions of citizens have evacuated from their homes and are facing extreme poverty, food insecurity and a very uncertain future.
Humanitarian organizations responding to the world’s worst humanitarian crises are of immense relief to vulnerable Somalia. But the Covid 19 pandemic and the crisis created by the Russian/Ukraine war has place millions of Somalian citizens at serious risk of famine. Grains which Somalia and the World badly need is unable to be exported out of Ukrainian Ports, exacerbating the already difficult situation. Cost of food has skyrocketed as fuel prices soar, increasing delivery costs. Russia and Ukraine account for the supply of 80% of wheat flour to East Africa. 7 million people (of a total population of 16 million) could be at risk of famine in the next few months if some agricultural, humanitarian interventions and immediate aid are not scaled up to meet the crucial needs.
Current reporting indicates that the humanitarian response aid for 2022 to Somalia accounted for only 20% out of the total funds needed, this at a time the growing impacts of climate change have seriously impacted Somali livelihood. Aid delivery programs have been severely obstructed by the 200% jump in fuel and supply chains interruption.
The continued internal conflict and political instability make it extremely difficult for investors to inject capital in Somalia. Greenhouses which produce all year-round yields would make a huge positive impact, reducing the cost of food and deliver fresh produce around the country. But these solutions may best be suited for the distant future.
The severe crisis in Ukraine, due to the ongoing war has placed donors in a position where they are re-channeling and diverting funds to alleviate the dire conditions for Ukrainians.
Increased International leadership across the globe is immediately needed to avert the impending humanitarian crisis and looming famine facing Somalia and other East African countries. While it’s not stable enough to attract new agricultural Projects in Somalia, deliberate and specific intervention by African & Global leaders, Humanitarian organizations and support Groups are urgently required. Solutions are critically required ...
Very insightful yet disturbing information. Hopefully the situation can be salvaged before it gets totally out of hand.